Complaints and compliments

We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice.

However, we are aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible.

To pursue a complaint please submit your complaint in a written letter to this will be sent to the Practice Manager who will deal with your concerns appropriately. Further written information is available regarding the complaints procedure from reception.

The time constraint on bringing a complaint is 12 months from the occurrence giving rise to the complaint, or 12 moths from the time you become aware of the matter about which you wish to complain. The Practice Manager will respond to all complaints within 3 business days.

We will aim to investigate and provide you with the findings as soon as we can and will provide regular updates regarding the investigation of your complaint. All complaints are investigated in conjunction with extant legislation and guidance and all documentation relating to a patients complaint will be held separately from the patients healthcare record.

Dr KK Chan & Partners allows a third party to make a complaint on behalf of a patient. The patient must provide consent for them to do so. A third party consent form is available from reception.

Once investigations have concluded Dr KK Chan & Partners will issue a final formal response to all complaints which will provide full details and the outcome of the complaint.

If you feel your complaint has not been resolved on a local level you can send your request to NHS England and they will contact us on your behalf. Their Contact information is as follows.

NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT




Further Actions:

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint from either NHS England or this practice, then you can escalate your complaint to:

Parlimentary Health, Service Ombudsman, (PHSO), Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP

Tel: 0345 015 4033

Date published: 10th October, 2014
Date last updated: 15th December, 2021